problem updating the system

Hello people, I’m having trouble updating the system. where the following error appears:

root@Daniel /home/silva # sudo apt upgrade
Lendo listas de pacotes… Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências… Pronto
Lendo informação de estado… Pronto
Você pode querer executar ‘apt --fix-broken install’ para corrigí-los.
Os pacotes a seguir têm dependências desencontradas:
nvidia-driver : Depende: nvidia-kernel-dkms (= 525.89.02-1) mas 510.85.02-6 está instalado ou
nvidia-kernel-525.89.02 ou
nvidia-open-kernel-525.89.02 mas não é instalável ou
nvidia-open-kernel-525.89.02 mas não é instalável
E: Dependências desencontradas. Tente ‘apt --fix-broken install’ sem nenhum pacote (ou especifique uma solução).

does anyone know how to solve this problem?


You can add the non-free-firmware in your /etc/apt/sources.list file (at the end of lines)

Isnt it not better to use the kaisen-update tool in the start menu in place of the apt upgrade deb cli?
I said that cause i had issues with using the debian cli at a moment
And what i note is that you use the sudo command, or you are logged as root (#) , so no need to use sudo
But yes Kevin is right with the apt-sources.list for non-free

Hello Daniel,

I’ve dealt with that before:

But in short:
Run this command: sudo apt autoremove --purge nvidia-driver
thanks to Kevin Chevreuil @Kaisen

As far as the upgrade goes I was also surprised to know that it best happens with:
sudo kaisen-upgrade
and not
sudo apt update && apt upgrade

Even though Kaisen is Debian-based some things are very specific. My guess it’s developers’ choice.

Hello @chyrei,

Now, you can add the non-free-firmware area at the end of lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list :slight_smile:

The nvidia driver will be automatically updated.

The sudo apt full-upgrade works too. The upgrade will not delete dependancies to replace by news. The full-upgrade command yes. For that, you don’t use the upgrade command.

The kaisen-update command is just a bash script to update the system and purge automatically the dependancies which not used after the update.