You anticipated my request, it was the next one ^^
Can you run this command to remake the initramfs for all kernel availables: sudo update-initramfs -u -k all?
Probably an update that caused this problem with initramfs (for example, an error pending the regeneration of the initramfs)
I did the command, it did generate the initramfs conf for both versions unfortunately it did not fix the problem. And I can’t boot on version 5.17.0-kaisen1-amd64
(Intel® Software Guard Extensions) “provides hardware-based memory encryption to isolate specific pieces of code and data from an application in memory.”
TIPs : you can use a live usb with chroot, it’s works great !
If you want state of sgx you can execute :
kaisen@kaisenlinux ~/sgx-software-enable master sudo ./sgx_enable --status
Intel SGX is disabled and can be enabled using this utility.
If you want to enable sgx
kaisen@kaisenlinux ~/sgx-software-enable master sudo ./sgx_enable
Software enable has been set. Please reboot your system to finish
enabling Intel SGX.
(ok in this post, I have another problem, about initramfs but it’s not the main topic, so if you need help about it, tell me, I’ll help you )