Update aim not good

To provide feedback and express your frustration about the recurring issues you’re facing with updates on your Debian Kaisen system, follow these steps to write a review or feedback in English:

  1. Choose a Platform: You can provide your feedback on various platforms such as the official Debian forums, social media, or other Linux-related communities.
  2. Title: Choose a concise and descriptive title for your feedback, such as “Persistent Issues with Updates on Debian Kaisen.”
  3. Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and briefly explaining your experience with Debian Kaisen updates. Mention that you’re a user who has faced repeated issues after updates that have resulted in data loss.
  4. Description: Provide a detailed account of the problems you’ve encountered. Mention specific instances where updates caused problems, leading to data loss and system instability. Highlight any patterns you’ve noticed in these incidents.
  5. Impact: Describe the impact these issues have had on your work, data, and overall user experience. Explain how the updates have caused frustration and disruptions.
  6. Technical Details: If you’re comfortable, include technical details such as the versions of Debian Kaisen you’ve been using, the type of updates that have caused problems, and any relevant error messages you’ve encountered.
  7. Requests and Suggestions: Express your concerns and provide suggestions for improvement. Ask for better testing procedures before updates are released and suggest more user-friendly error messages that guide users in troubleshooting.
  8. Concluding Remarks: Conclude by summarizing your main points and reiterating the impact these issues have had on your experience.
  9. Language and Tone: Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout your feedback. While it’s important to express frustration, avoid using offensive language.
  10. Contact Information: If you’re comfortable, you can provide your contact information for follow-up. However, be cautious about sharing personal information in public forums.
  11. Proofread: Before posting, review your feedback for clarity and accuracy. Ensure that your message effectively communicates your concerns.
  12. Submit: Submit your feedback on the chosen platform. If you’re using forums, adhere to their guidelines for posting.

I don’t understand.
Kaisen is based on Debian, but isn’t Debian. Why you called Kaisen “Debian Kaisen”?

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weil es debian ist zudem hat das oder ist mein Problem nicht gelöst

What is your problem?

Subject: Difficulties and frustrations with Kaisen Linux 2.3

Hello Kaisen community,

I wanted to share my experiences and concerns about Kaisen Linux 2.3. Since upgrading to this version, I’ve encountered a variety of bugs that have severely handicapped me. It even caused problems with my external hard drives and unfortunately I lost significant data.

I’ve given the 2.3 version several chances and reinstalled it several times, hoping to find a way around the problems I’m encountering. But every time I was disappointed and had to invest a lot of time to set up my system again and try to recover my lost data. This not only disrupted my workflow, but also caused significant delays in my projects.

For these reasons, I decided to go back to version 2.2, which for me has been the most stable and reliable so far. I would like to encourage the development team to test version 2.3 more thoroughly and ensure that such critical bugs do not appear in future versions.

I appreciate the hard work that goes into Kaisen Linux and I hope my feedback is helpful. For now, however, I will stick with version 2.2 and eagerly await a more stable and reliable future version.

Betreff: Schwierigkeiten und Frustrationen mit Kaisen Linux 2.3

Hallo Kaisen-Community,

Ich wollte meine Erfahrungen und Bedenken bezüglich Kaisen Linux 2.3 teilen. Seit dem Upgrade auf diese Version bin ich auf eine Vielzahl von Bugs gestoßen, die mich erheblich behindert haben. Es hat sogar zu Problemen mit meinen externen Festplatten geführt und ich habe leider erhebliche Daten verloren.

Ich habe der Version 2.3 mehrere Chancen gegeben und sie mehrmals neu installiert, in der Hoffnung, dass ich einen Weg finde, die auftretenden Probleme zu umgehen. Aber jedes Mal wurde ich enttäuscht und musste viel Zeit investieren, um mein System erneut aufzusetzen und versuchen, meine verlorenen Daten wiederherzustellen. Das hat nicht nur meinen Arbeitsfluss unterbrochen, sondern auch zu erheblichen Verzögerungen bei meinen Projekten geführt.

Aus diesen Gründen habe ich beschlossen, zu Version 2.2 zurückzukehren, die für mich bisher die stabilste und zuverlässigste war. Ich möchte das Entwicklerteam ermutigen, Version 2.3 gründlicher zu testen und sicherzustellen, dass solche kritischen Bugs in zukünftigen Versionen nicht mehr vorkommen.

Ich schätze die harte Arbeit, die in Kaisen Linux fließt, und ich hoffe, dass mein Feedback hilfreich ist. Für den Moment werde ich jedoch bei Version 2.2 bleiben und warte gespannt auf eine stabilere und zuverlässigere zukünftige Version.

I agree with Kevin.
Debian is Debian and Kaisen is Kaisen !
As a sysadmin, i’m used to Debian who is one of my distro since 2001.
But since i discover Kaisen with DevOps evolution in my career, it changes my life !
I begin in IT when i was 8 in 1982, i’m pro IT since 1998, i worked in many environnements, so trust me and let Kevin doing his job, he’s doing it very well !

Thanks to Debian of course, but really many thanks to Kaisen and to Kevin !

That’s all i have to say.
See you all.

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Thank you @jfbcefim :slight_smile: